Wednesday, March 11, 2009

thinking too much. eh?

happy birthday to bisma and hestia ! tho its only less that half a year that we met =)


tdy was 'great'. bisma and i were thinking ' eh should we skip environment today ah?'

irwin says 'haiya ...we go canteen eat eat first..let fate decide'

so we eat eat...alot..after feeling our tummies with not-so-edible-food , we then proceed to look at each other's good looking faces and just think.

'ok la..sit here lidat oso no use. we scissors paper stone. i win we stay. you win we go back' irwin says

'ok deal'

so armed with our ever so nasty fingers of fate, we start shouting like maniacs swear words like scissors paper and stone.


irwin -3

irwin wins ..we stay...

both the guys look at each other and then automatically says

'to hell with destiny'

packs bag and go back hostel.

bisma's birthday was fun is still fun [still his bdae]
the action started with a simple button where irwin goes to the second floor where bisma is happily playing p.e.s. with the other scholars.

irwin goes down and tells wei liang [senior] 'the egg is in the toilet dy, standby mode'

'ok, u start covering his mouth when i miss call you'

it all went well..and army of more than 10 guys i think pulling a miserable idiot into the bath room.cracking egg on his hair [free conditioner] and the make him cold with the coldest water a shower can give you.

bisma ended up shivering like mad. [not to mention someone pulled his pants off and left him in the toilet *no prize for guessing who]

then , bisma had his revenge, with a newfound spirit , wet body and wet underwear, he chases everyone to spread the birthday cheer [or just to absorb heat.gosh physics]

and yes..irwin got special treatment. he got the humping.

conclusion. it was a great birthday.

25 people had been elected to join the hwa chong boarders council. irwin just so happens to be the 25th mentioned. bless him.

yours truly. the irwin.

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